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吴琳,天游ty8检测中心官方登录大外部研究生英语口语课程讲师,天游ty8检测中心官方登录博士后,应用会话分析研究所研究员,拉夫堡大学DARG 话语与修辞研讨组成员,国际会话分析协会成员。20132018年间在英国拉夫堡大学做博士研究,师从会话分析领军人Paul Drew教授,对中国重点公立医院的医患交际语言做大量微观实证性调查分析。2019年夏被授予拉夫堡大学社会学专业会话分析方向博士。现阶段专攻例如医患交际、庭审交际等的机构会话分析研究。


Dr. Lin Wu is a lecturer of the English Listening & Speaking course in School of Foreign Language, Shandong University. She did her doctoral research (The organization of Chinese primary care consultations in Chinese public hospitals) in Loughborough University of England. She completed her MSc research (Prime Minister’s Question Time of British Parliament) in Edinburgh University of Scotland. She is currently doing post-doc research in Shandong University. Her interests lie in institutional communication studies, such as, doctor-patient interaction, and courtroom interaction, as well as teaching Speaking English.

联系邮箱:  200894000055@sdu.edu.cn


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