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发布时间:2024年07月12日 10:23    作者:王昊    点击:[]




近年来,天游ty8检测中心官方登录立足于山东儒家文化摇篮,深耕细作于儒家文化国际传播与跨文化对话。已经成立“国学外译与传播研究中心”,即将建立“齐鲁文化旅游与文化外译传播基地”, 并积极承担国家社科基金中华学术外译项目、“山东区域特色文化国际传播研究”和 “中华典籍外译工程”等国家级、省部级重大委托项目,在服务国家战略和加强中西文明交流互鉴中积极贡献力量。

The  Launch of the Confucian Culture Overseas Dissemination Database

Recently, the Confucian Culture Overseas Dissemination Database led by Prof. Jihua Dong at Shandong University, was officially released. This database provides data resources to showcase the dissemination of Confucian culture, reveal its developmental process and basic patterns, and promote the globalization of Confucianism. The database represents the collective wisdom and efforts of School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University, School of Journalism and Communication at Shandong University, International Academy of Confucianism at Shandong Academy of Social Sciences in promoting the global dissemination of Confucian Culture.

The Confucian Culture Overseas Dissemination Database comprises two core sections: the Multilingual Corpus of Core Expressions in Confucianism and the Confucian Culture Overseas Dissemination Corpus. The former includes 211 classical Confucian vocabulary, concepts, and phrases complied by Prof. Yunchao Liu at Shandong Academy of Social Sciences (12,981 words), as well as the translations in seven languages including English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish, totaling 97,533 words by teachers of School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University. The collection of classical Confucian vocabulary, concepts, and phrases, along with their multilingual translations, enables people from different linguistic backgrounds to directly access the core ideas and wisdom of Confucianism. It serves as a bridge to promote the global dissemination of Confucian culture and to foster understanding and dialogue between different cultures.

The Confucian Culture Overseas Dissemination Corpus includes a sub-corpus of 338 international think tank reports totaling 848,619 words, and a sub-corpus of 1,021 media reports totaling 1,705,080 words. This corpus integrates influential global think tank reports and media coverage, providing useful digital resources to advance the international dissemination and research of Confucian culture. It also contributes to promoting cross-cultural exchange and understanding, offering decision-making consultation support for education and cultural policy departments in developing cultural dissemination strategies and promoting the global outreach of traditional Chinese culture.

In recent years, School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University, rooted in Shandong, the cradle of Confucian culture, has made great achievements in the international dissemination of Confucian culture and cross-cultural dialogue. It has established the “Research Center for the Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Classics” and is establishing the “Qilu Culture Tourism and Cultural Translation and Dissemination Base.” Additionally, it has actively undertaken major national and provincial-level projects, such as National Social Science FoundationChinese Academic Literature Translation & Publishing Project, the “Research on International Communication of Shandong’s Regional Characteristic Culture,” and the “Chinese Classics Translation Project”, and has made significant contributions to serving national strategies and strengthening the exchanges and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations.





上一条:外院学子荣获天游ty8检测中心官方登录2024届赴西部、基层和国家重点行业领域就业毕业生表彰 下一条:天游ty8检测中心官方登录召开机关行政人员学期工作总结会


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