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翻译系与英语系、应用英语系共享部分师资,现有专任教师9人,包括教授2人,副教授5人,讲师2人,其中硕士生导师6人。教师队伍结构合理,具有丰富的教学和实践经验,80%以上教师有海外访学经历。本系教师研究领域广泛,科研能力突出,承担多项国家级、省部级和校级科研项目,主持或参与众多翻译项目,比如CCTV News Content、世界卫生组织等的笔译服务,尼山论坛、山东论坛、国际历史科学大会、上合组织峰会等口笔译服务。







Department of Translation and Interpretation

The Department of Translation and Interpretation (DTI) was founded in 2007, taking advantage of the translation faculty resources from the former Department of English and Department of Applied English. In the following year, the undergraduate program of Translation and Interpretation started to recruit students. It boasts a history as long as that of the School of Foreign Languages and Literature (SFL) itself which can be traced back to 1930 when the first translation courses were set up. Renowned scholars such as Liang Shiqiu, Hong Shen, Wu Fuheng, and Huang Jiade engaged in teaching and research, laying a solid foundation for the development of the discipline. In 1978, SFL was authorized to confer Master's degree in Translation; in 2000, it was authorized to confer Ph.D. degree in Translation; in 2009, the Master of Translation and Interpretating (MTI) program was approved; in 2013, the undergraduate program was accredited as a provincial distinctive program in Shandong; in 2017, the program passed the examination and evaluation of undergraduate teaching by the Ministry of Education, and the discipline of Foreign Language and Literature, with which the program is affiliated, was rated as a national A-level discipline. In 2022, the program was included in the list of national first-class undergraduate programs.

The DTI is committed to "taking fostering integrity and promoting rounded development of people as the fundamental task of education," and contributes to national strategies and social development. It adheres to the philosophy of "carrying forward the tradition and forging ahead with innovation" and is oriented towards liberal arts, global vision, and specialization. The department aims to train innovative, versatile, and top-notch translation professionals with practical skills and international vision, and build a domestically-leading program with SDU characteristics and international standards. Currently, the department is home to 125 undergraduates and 166 postgraduates.

The department adopts the integrative training model of “foreign language abilities, translation and interpreting skills, and specialized knowledge.” Students are expected to acquire Chinese-English bilingual skills, the abilities of cross-cultural communication, knowledge acquisition & application and independent innovation. Moreover, the department offers systematic courses and intensive training on translation theories and techniques through which students can acquire solid interpreting and translation skills. Our graduates are competent in undertaking the work of translation, research, teaching and management in a variety of institutions and sectors including foreign affairs, business and trade, law, media, education, culture, science and technology, in response to the demand for talents from the strategy of Chinese culture "going global" and the Belt and Road Initiative.

Our team of faculty members include two professors, five associate professors, and two lecturers, six of whom are master's Supervisors. The well-structured team boasts extensive teaching and practical experience, more than 80% of whom have studied overseas. They cover a broad range of fields of research and are equipped with exceptional scientific research ability. They have undertaken multiple national and provincial research projects and are language service providers for organizations and conferences such as CCTV News Content, the WHO, the Nishan Forum, Shandong Forum, the International Congress of Historical Sciences, and the SCO summit.

The Department offers more than 30 courses to undergraduate and graduate students, including: Comprehensive English, Sight Interpretation, Basic Interpretation, Consecutive Interpretation, Simultaneous Interpretation, Subtitle Translation Appreciation, CAT tools, Media Translation, Business Translation, Science and Technology translation, and Literary Translation. Leveraging many university-level platforms and practice bases, the DTI has 2+2 and 3+1 cooperative programs (e.g. a 2+2 program refers to one where students are prepared for two years on SDU campus and study two years overseas) with overseas universities to provide students with diversified learning and practice opportunities.

Over the past three years, our students have won more than 70 prizes in competitions above the provincial level, such as the National Interpreting Contest, the National English Competition for College Students, and the Han Suyin International Translation Contest. With broad employment prospects and diversified job opportunities, graduates are competent in working in a myriad of sectors and industries. Our alumni work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, the Beijing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation, PetroChina, Zhuhai Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection General Station, China Media Group, Deloitte, China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration, Beijing Review, ByteDance, etc.; Upon graduation, more than 60% of our students enrolled into prestigious universities at home and abroad through graduate school entrance exams or school’s recommendations for further education, including Harvard University, the University of Southern California, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, University of London, Edinburgh University, Manchester University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Shanghai International Studies University.

Contact Information:

Department of Translation & Interpretation, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University

No. 5, Hongjialou, Jinan 250100, Shandong, P. R. China

Tel: +86-531-88377191

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